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Custom scalars

Custom scalars are supported through the --scalar CLI option.

The syntax is in the format

--scalar ScalarName=ScalarTypeSpec

Specifying types

A type specification can be a simple built in TypeScript type like unknown. For example, to map all scalars of type jsonb to the unknown type, you would use

--scalar jsonb=unknown

The type can be imported from another file. The following example:

--scalar MyScalar=./scalars#SomeType

will add the following import

import type { SomeType as MyScalar } from "./scalars"

and will ensure MyScalar is used everywhere the scalar is used in types.

Specifying patterns

Instead of specifying each scalar by name, you can also use a regular expression pattern, e.g.

--scalar 'JSON.+=unknown`

will map all scalars that start with JSON to the type unknown

You can also use replacements for pattern capture groups found in () the type. Assuming you have the scalars JSONDocument and JSONParagraph, the following example:

--scalar 'JSON(.+)=./json-scalars#JSON$1'

will produce the imports

import type { JSONDocument } from "./json-scalars"
import type { JSONParagraph } from "./json-scalars"

The order of patterns is important. You can specify a catch-all pattern at the end:

--scalar '.+=unknown'

Or you could specify some built-in scalars then map any remaining custom ones to a file. For example:

--scalar uuid=string --scalar timestamp=string --scalar jsonb=unknown --scalar '(.+)=./scalars#$1'

will map some standard Hasura scalars to sensible types, then map any other scalars to imports from './scalars'. If you have a scalar MyScalar, the above will add the following import:

import type { MyScalar } from "./scalars"

while at the same time, Hasura's timestamp scalar will still map to a string.